Recent Achievements
Best Director Award Nomination - AUGUST
March 2022
Matt was nominated for Best Director at the Cannes Shorts Film Festival for his work on AUGUST.
Best Sci-Fi Short - AUGUST
July 2021
AUGUST won best Sci-Fi short at the Hollywood Just4Shorts competition.
Finalist - Best Short Screenplay - TEALIGHT
July 2021
The screenplay for TEALIGHT was placed as a finalist in the New Jersey Film Awards
Best Director Award - AUGUST
June 2021
Matt won Best Director Award at London International Monthly Film Festival for his short film AUGUST.
Special Mention - AUGUST
June 2021
AUGUST received a special mention at Tokyo International Monthly Film Festival
Best Sci-Fi Short and Best Original Score Award Winners - AUGUST
Matt's short AUGUST won two awards at the New Jersey Film Awards.
Marina Makarova, the composer for AUGUST took home the Best Original Score Award and the film won Best Sci-Fi Short.
Best Director Award Nomination - AUGUST
Matt was nominated for Best Director at the London Shorts Film Festival for his work on AUGUST.
Honorable Mentions - TEALIGHT
Matt's short screenplay "Tealight" has received honorable mentions at London International Monthly Film Fesitval, Athens International Monthly Art Film Festival and Phoenix Monthly Short Film Festival.
Best Film Nomination - TRANSITION
Matt wrote and produced 2018's feature film "Transition"
He was nominated for Best Film at Film Festival International London and Best Film at Film Festival International Amsterdam.